How CORE Remodeling Services is dealing with COVID -19
/The health and safety of our clients and of our team is paramount. To minimize the risk of exposure or contamination, the following protocols are mandatory on all CORE job sites. These procedures apply to all CORE employees and any sub-contractors that work for CORE. These protocols will be posted at the entrance of the house and in the work area.
1. For any indoor project, a confined work area is to be created whenever possible. This area will be isolated by using temporary plastic barrier zipper walls. The plastic is to be taped on all sides, top and bottom. A zippered dust door is to be installed for egress.
2. Any HVAC air registers and or vents within the work area will be covered with plastic and taped on all sides.
3. Canvas runners are to be used to create a path through non-isolated areas of the home to allow for access to the work area.
4. If space allows a high efficiency particulate air vacuum (Advance Euroclean GD 930 HEPA vacuum) will be used, which is 99.99% air particle removal certified. For small spaces, a smaller version will be used, or a large exhaust fan in a window on one side of the room, with opened window on other side of the room. These procedures will be done by one of our team at the start of the workday and turned off or closed at the end of the workday.
5. At the beginning and end of each workday one of our team staff will be using a Portable electric ULV disinfecting fogging machine, using an EPA registered disinfectant that kills the COVID 19 Virus.
6. Portable toilets will be on all Core job sites that have a duration of five days or more. If the project is under five days, any of the CORE team will use facilities off the job site.
1. Our priority is to protect our customers and employees from any unnecessary exposure. We ask that any questions or project input be brought to your Project Manager during daily work hours to avoid close contact with the employee’s working on your project. Communication options are to be through the CORE project management system first. If in person meetings are required, they are to be held outside practicing standard social distancing procedures.
2. Under regular circumstances, no member of the CORE team will enter the non-work area of the home.Under some circumstances it will be required to enter the non-work area. Example: To get access to the main water shut off, access to the electrical panel, wiring or plumbing that needs to be done in the basement or attic, etc. If entering of the non-work area is required, 24- hour notice will be given. When work is done in the area, one of the CORE team will spray all door knobs, railings and any other surfaces that may have been touched with Lysol disinfectant spray at the end of the work day, unless the customer prefers to do it themselves.
All CORE field employees have been provided with additional sick leave if needed. All CORE employees and sub-contractors have been instructed to stay home if they feel any symptoms such as cough, fever, headache, lack of smell or taste, or any other symptoms that may indicate there is a possibility they may be sick. They are to contact the Project Manager to notify them of the situation. They will not be allowed to come back to work until they have a doctor’s note stating that it is not Covid-19 related.
1. A portable hand sanitizer station will be placed at the main home entrance that will be used by our team. A sign will be placed requiring any of the team to sanitize their hands before entering the home. Pump bottle hand sanitizer will be in the work area to be used regularly throughout the day, and mandatory to be used when exiting the work site for the day.
2. Social distancing is to be practiced which requires maintaining at least 6 feet of distance between each worker if possible. Only one trade at a time will be in the work area. Example: If the electrician is doing electrical, no carpenter’s, plumbers or any other trades will be working in the work area.
3. There is to be no eating on the job site. Lunch, snacks, etc. should be consumed outside away from the work area or in employee vehicles.